Vale Emmy

Sandown Park lost one of its most beloved team members this morning when resident retiree Emmy crossed the rainbow bridge.

Emmy was a modest performer on the track, winning just four of her 49 starts but it was in retirement that she’ll be remembered. Emmy would attend most Sandown Park race meetings alongside kennel mates Sal and Tessie, and for many patrons, was the first greyhound they would ever meet. Her docile nature and affection for everyone is typical of the greyhound breed, and endeared her to all who met her.

Recently, she began to suffer from pain that was consistent with severe arthritis but on further inspection she was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer in her right hip. Her mobility quickly deteriorated and the benefits of painkillers were wearing down. With her quality of life quickly deteriorating, her owner Yvonne Byron made the heartbreaking decision to put her down.

Yvonne will continue to attend race meetings with Sal and Tessie.

Jason Adams
About Jason Adams - Racing Operations Coordinator at Sandown Park. Over 8 years involvement in greyhound racing and one of the sport's biggest and most passionate fans.
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